It has been a week..
SO fast time passes..
Why does time pass so fast?
School holidays started..
Better enjoy my holidays this time.. XD
Get to see my cousins- SOON! :D
Events,Outings and etc etc.. hehe
*Can't wait till next week, baby!! :D .. you know the reason why.. (: *
Sejarah project is finished and passed up finally! :D
Left one more project to go! WEE!~
Anyway.. didnt study for this whole week..
No lessons.. and mostly everyone is busy practising performances for Teacher's Day which is today.. :D
Is a funn day actually today..
But feel exhausted..
Stay back in school this whole week cause of Librarians' stuffs and dance practices..
Got back some marks..
Science - 74%
BM - 73%
English - 78% (Teacher expected me to get 80 and above.. ):)
Maths - 75%
Art - 84%
Well.. hope the rest I'll get good marks.. thts all I wish for.. (: ..
WONG SOON HO! Im going cursed you till you die!
Take, ransack and read my stuffs without my permission when I was away in class!
Dare to scold me somemore!
CURSE YOU!!! pfft..
After came home from school.. -Prepare to wash up myself! xD
Then, didnt eat anything..
Lie down on my bed.. fall asleep. xD
In the evening..
Talk on the phone with Yun Lynn for almost 1 hour! =D
Dont feel like putting on the phone instead. XD
At night.. only eat one meal for today which is dinner. xD
And I was playing with my sis' new handphone. .. hehe
and put on brown nailpolish on my fingernails. XD
Later on.. go onlinee!
2-3 days didnt online! Miss it so muchh! :D
Brown nailpolishh! =D
Just hope tht holidays would be funn! (:
*I knew its going to be fun because of you! ;) *
Baby, you're the reasons why,
Making me confused,
Making my day to be the sweetest and enjoyable day tht I would never ever forget in my life..
Sometimes I just dont get you..
Thanks for everything tht you've given to me..I love you. (:
♥our lips must always be sealed
11:19 PM
GEOGRAPHY PROJECT - D.O.N.E.!Finish binding - everything! :D
Pie Chart. :DI drew and colour it! hehe
The hardest page for doing it. I drew and colour my kawasan kajian! :D
IGNORE it if you think is ugly!! (:
Ta Daaaa! Finish!! 49 pages all together! My hard work! Yes Is done! =D
Just pass it up to Pn.Surita on Monday can edi. =)
Left Sejarah, still on the way.. hahaha
Sivik, is Pn.Zarina now. haha
But still doing it during school holidays.
Cooking tradisional food.
Hope EELAINE'S KITCHEN wont be burnt cause of 4 of us! XD
Finally got your dream handphone tht you're always dream to have
Keep on telling me every single day! -.-
Hahaha! Honestly.. your new handphone, the only thing I like is..
Thats the only thing I love abt your HP! =D
Nowadays, felt so lazy..
Especially today.. quite unlucky day for me..
Went digital mall.. my feet is pain cause I wore tht freaking SPORT SHOES!
And my feet is hurt until now..
Then went tuition..
'Homework Is Necessary. Discuss'
Hahaha! Teacher wanted me to be the 2nd speaker..
Then, I talk crap.. according to what I thought of in my mind. xD
All in the sudden pop out the word ROTTEN in my head! XD
Suddenly thought of Pn.Molly. xD
Im just wondering..
How come so many ppl know more abt me all in the sudden?
Or you're the one who told abt it?
Im really confused now..
Why issit like tht?
Why must you done this to me?
Is totally out of my expectation..
Is totally unexpected..
Things are just coming towards me UNEXPECTEDLY!
p/s : I miss you my darlings, my lou gongs, my husbands and KAI JIE and of course my cousins! xD. Wanted to see you all badly now.. x)
you'll always be my baby. <3.
Yes, you're. (:
♥our lips must always be sealed
10:50 PM
Yeahhh babbyyyy!
Exams overr!
Iss overrr!!!
All the tests went on well so far..
Hope will get good results. =)
Except for Geography..
A lot of maps and few questions i dont know..
I suck at maps!
Hope I will and can score B for Geo la. Then I'll be happy and satisfied with it. =)
Even SEJARAH is easier than GEOGRAPHY! OMG!
Today Pn.Grace gave my class marks for Science.
I got 74%.. haihz
6 more marks to A!! :(
If the format of A is still 75.. 1 more mark can get A edi!!!
Overall my class got a lot ppl get Bs. haha
But quite amount of ppl get 80 something.
Then after school, librarians AGM 2009..
Congratulations to the new BODS of 2009/2010! ;)
Let me give you the list. =)
President - Erique Phang
Vice President - Seah Sze Ting
Secretary- Wong Yinn Yin
Asst.Secretary-Hoe Wei Nian
Treasurer-William Tang
Asst.Treasurer-Michelle Lim
Discipline Manager - Tee Jin Chuen
Asst. Discipline Manager - Joan Xi Leng
Library Manager I) Esther Tan
II) Carmen Cheah. =)
Media Manager - Lee Eu-Gene
PA Manager I) Kuh Fui Swen
II) Lim Jun Wai
III) Gabriel Tan
Graphic Manager I) Lee Mindy
II) Shannen Kok
III) Ho Xin Jin
Funding Manager I) Tan Wei Yuen
II) Cecilia Lee
Form Represensative 5) Nabilah
4) Yun Lynn
3) Zhan Yeh
2) Raj
Congratulations once again and lets together make our LPPS a better lembaga! =)
Yes! Geography project left Rumusan. haha
Tomorrow will finish it up and bind it.
Thank God Pn.Surita postponed the dateline to pass up from today to Monday. hehe
Then Sejarah project passing up next week..
Got all the informations edi..
Just need to type it.. (:
Overall left Sivik project.
Me,Li Hui, Samantha and Eelaine in one group.
Hahaha! We're going to Eelaine's house during school holidays to buy ingredients and COOK tradisional food!
Need to take pics and is awesomee!
Thats us!
Love to camwhore! Right Eelaine and Sammie? ;D
Cik Sumarni is going away..
And Pn.Zarina is my class teacher back again! WEE!~
But the bad thing is the time table changed again!
Arghh!! 5 subjects every single day!
Somemore quite thick and many books!
Today reach home at 5 something then bathe.
Later on Nydeaa called me to go Mcd. haha
Went there and have Mcflurry. xD
And chit chat for half an hour cause she need to go back edi. haihz.
Holidays is coming baby!
Just a week more!
But I think tht Im still gonna be busy although is holidays
Got lots of events going on and things to do.
Annnnddddd annnddd going to Midvalley with darling STEPHANIE CHIA SIEW YAN!
Get to see her againn! (;
Cant wait! ;D
sometimes im curious,
what God trying to mean to me and what are you trying to tell me?
why does everything going on unexpectedly?
everytime you're giving me surprises and sweet memories of us together. :)
and sometimes i know tht you're deep crying inside your heart without letting me know so tht i wouldnt be sad?
♥our lips must always be sealed
8:54 PM
Happy Belated 15th Bday Joan Joan!
May you have a good year ahead and always!
Older a year edi la! San Seng ar! xD
Remember me always yeah! Love you! xD
Haha! Yesterday went to one chinese restaurant at KL to celebrate Mother's Day with my family members.Celebrate earlier cause mostly all of us are free at night. heheEat a lot.. drink a lot.. Love sparkling juice! xDPlan to buy Starbucks Cake with sis! ;D
Starbucks Cake! =)
Happy Mother's Day!Especially to my dearest one and the only mom!Thanks for everything!I love you! (;It has been a long time didnt eat sharkfin soup!Get to eat tonight! xDYum Yum!Everything is nice tonight!Especially the cake! heheCurrently doing project, studying and revision for exams?How I wish tht I can absorb everything in my head. haihzPimples and stress are getting more to me!!But I just know tht with your love I can handle it, handle everything! =)
Sometimes I've been wondering..
I mean we.. you all have been talking abt us a lot?
Why are we sooo related ?? sooo got 'jodoh'?
Even teachers and classes?
Is like everything..
I dont understand my feelings now...
Could you just tell me ??
You guys are driving us crazy..
Or we just had fall for each other ??
Yes, we agree with impossible is nothing now..
Perhaps.. impossible things are coming towards us....
Yun Lynn! I pecah record today! xD
♥our lips must always be sealed
3:20 PM
Happy Labour Day EVERYONE! ;D
SOOOO fast April has past..
Beginning of new month.. means exams are getting nearer! Arrrghhh!
Still got lots of things havent finish yet! Like..
Mid-term Exams - Yes! Is coming up! Just in like 2 more weeks!
Librarians' Installation - Havent get prepared everything yet.. Money.. Souvenirs.. Performances and etc etc..
Projects- 4 Projects to finish up! Hope can finish up by next week! Sivik can do it after exams. Muahahaha. ;D
Darlings Bday- Lots of my darlings bday this month! Hahaha! Need to buy pressies for them!
Homework - Lots of homework is currently undone! Althought finish everything on tht particular day..the next day will have again!! :(Went to Sungei Wang just now..
As usual is crowded places! haha!
Hmmm.. finally my class had change back to our usual class?
Thanks to April? She sprained her ankle during taekwando! Hahaha!
Hope tht you'll recover soon! hehe!
But now I started missing upstairs class..
Is like can stay there anytime anywhere and is peaceful. xD
That class is so much more spacious compare to the class now.. But I know tht sooner or later will used to it again! ;DOoh yeah! Camwhore pictures in school! xDScroll down ppl!!!! =)
Me and Siew Meng! (:p/s : Pui Lingg! Dont be jealous yeahh! xDMe and Jin Wen! a.k.a Wen Wen darlingg! :D
Sammie and I. ;D
Me and Eelaine. Upstairs class. Miss it so badly. The board done by us! =)Me and Khai Sernn! Hahaha!
Me and Sze Tingg! Posing? xD
Sammie and I once again! (:
Craziness of my classmates! Hahaha!
Darling Si Rou and Wai Loan! ;D
JoYee,YunLynn&Me! =)
Us again but Soon Ho at the back! =.=
Actually got more pictures. but at Yun Lynn's camera..
Dunno whether she got upload or not. haha!
My dear.. protect me from falling apart..
I really need you by my side.
You're everything to me. =)
♥our lips must always be sealed
12:11 AM