Love is our Resistance ♥
They'll keep us apart, they won't stop breaking us down
Layout Designer:
♥ ♥ ♥
Just read one of the bulletins from the Friendster..issit true? haha!
1) Guys may be flirting around all day, but before they go to sleep, they always think about the girl they truly care about....
2) Guys are more emotional than you think, if they loved you at one point, it'll take them a lot longer then you think to let you go, and it hurts every second that they try.
3) Guys go crazy over a girl's smile..(:
4) A guy who likes you wants to be the only guy you talk to.
5) Giving a guy a hanging message like "You know what?..uh...nevermind.." would make him jump to a conclusion that is far from what you are thinking. And he'll assume he did something wrong and he'll obsess about it trying to figure it out.
6) If a guy tells you about his problems, he just needs someone to listen to him. You don't need to give advice.
7) A usual act that proves that the guy likes you is when he teases you.
9) Guys use words like hot or cute to describe girls. They rarely use beautiful or gorgeous. If a guy uses that, he loves you or likes you a whole heck of a lot.
10)If the guy does something stupid in front of the girl, he will think about it for the next couple days or until the next time he spends time with the girl.
11)If a guy looks unusually calm and laid back, he's probably faking it and he is really thinking about something.
12) When a guy says he is going crazy about the girl, he really is. (Guys rarely say that)
13)When a guy asks you to leave him alone, he's just actually saying, "Please come and listen to me."
14)If a guy starts to talk seriously, listen to him. It doesn't happen that often, so when it does, you know something's up.
15) When a guy looks at you for longer than a second, he's definitely thinking something.
16) Guys really think that girls are strange and have unpredictable decisions and are MAD confusing but somehow are drawn even more to them.
17)A guy would give the world to be able to read a girl's mind for a day.
18)No guy can handle all his problems on his own.He's just too stubborn to admit it.
19)NOT ALL GUYS ARE RUDE!!!Just because ONE is RUDE doesnt mean he represents ALL of them.
21)Even if you dump a guy months ago and he loved you he probably still does and if he had one wish it would be you to come back into his life.
Yeah!The picz on the 20.08.2008 [WongKokCharChanTeng] ... Grab at Wei Nian's blog ..Hes lazy to send it to me! :D..Not all but a part of it ... Lazy to grab so many..Nice mah the picturez?Hahahax..
For more..plz go to.... [WeiNian]'s blogg [YuenHee]'s blogg
Apparently..Im the youngest over there..Esther cant go..She got outing with her friends..Sad-nya..Anyway..I enjoyed that day very much! :) .. Must go for the next outing together again yea the next coming holidays! xD
I've finished half of my homework!Congrats! :D SIVIK PERTUBUHAN SUKARELA just did a part of it..Went and search for it today..I cant find it..A VERY big thank you to Jian Yin [My 'KaiGor'] for helping me to find..Find finish liao..All I need to do is just finish it up this weekends!School holidays going to over soon..itz like very fast....School going to reopen next Monday!Cant wait to see you guyz! ♥ yea!
Smile.. :)
My cousin,Jenilee!! wOoT!
Guess what are we doing? Can you see me? =)
Thats me this pic lerhx..dunno why.. x)
Posing in front of the mirror..xD..cannot recognise me leh? hahax..
Thats me again and again..Kinda love this pic too! :)
The next Malaysian modelz..hahax! Just joking!
As I promised,I will post the pictures during my Malacca trip..Well let me begin with my grandfather story now..BEWARE!Most of them are camhored picz as shown in above! x)
Day 1
Went to Malacca at 12 something..Stopped at KFC restaurant on the way to our destination to wait for my aunts,uncles,grandma and my cousins!Reached Malacca abt 2 hours later on? Well..we had lost our way when we reached Malacca .. we cant find our apartment that we had rented..:(..We went to the whole Malacca but cant find our apartment!!..saw a police station over there and my aunt went in and ask for the directions to go to our apartment...'pai seh pai seh'..Finally..we found our apartment!We checked in and went in to our apartment...Put our stuffs and luggages..Seen me and my cousins were so bored..we went down and walked around the swimming pool and playground and we camhored everywhere (as usual.. xD)
Went up and down..ran here and here and there..At 6 something we went out and have our dinner.. the food there were quite nice..but the service there was quite terrible..We ordered 1 kg of crab,otak-otak,fish,vegetables and 2 or 3 more dishes for each table..We separated into 2 tables..and guess how much is the bil?RM400+++..siao..we never even order any drinks just chinese tea!!and the bil were like abt RM500?Aiyer..will never go back there and eat again!!
After our dinner,we went to Jonker Walk..Yeah!Finally can shop..Its hard to find parkings over there..haihz..As soon as we reached there..we saw one 'mahaguru' doing kungfu and some of the dangerous stuffs that we are NOT supposed to try it even..we may die!!
We like wasting our time watching it?So we decided to shop..I bought quite a lot stuffs over there and souvenirs for Yin Ling,Beatrice and Poh Wei..Time passes very fast when shop..I LOVE SHOPPING! hehex.. As the time passes so fast..we went back to our apartment..There were only 2 toilets in the apartment..need to take turns to bathe..While waiting..camhored with my cousins in front of the mirror...... :D ..The pictures cant see our faces..haha..but can see our body!
When it is our turn..we went and have our shower..Later in the room for like 2 hours then we went out and have our supper..we ate satay was actually quite dirty..Dont dare to eat that much and itz FATTENING! After had our supper..went back to apartment..clean up our face and we went to sleep..=.=..Thats the end of the story for Day 1 at Malacca! :P
Day 2
Woke up at 8 something..went and brushed our teeth..get ready to check out and go shopping and eat! hahax..While waiting my family members as we are and my cousin camhored again.. xD
Half an hour later..we checked out and went and have our branch at the Hainanese Chicken Rice..The rice round like a fishball! was okayy for me..but according to my grandmother..itz not that nice anymore compared to last time .. the differences I really have no idea..After eating..went to Pahlawan Megamall which is the largest megamall in Malacca..Having sales over there!!!!!!!!!AWESOME! I saw a lot of clothes that I like..but I cannot buy so many coz I bought clothes at Jonker Walk too..haihz..After that..we went and eat Mcdonald..Luckily I just bought a cup of Mcflurry only coz after eating Mcdonald..we went and eat satay!! But I didnt eat that much..hehex..After eating..went to TAN KIM HOCK and buy the famous biscuits,dodol,tarts and etc etc..My mom spent quite a lot over there..After buying stuffs..we ate cendol..wah liao! cannot eat that much lerhx! so a small bowl of cendol I shared with my mom! xD..Then we continue going here and there..around the whole Malacca..In the evening..we decided to have our dinner and go back to watch Olympics (LEE CHONG WEI VS. LIN DAN)..On the way to have our dinner..we stopped..coz my grandma saw the fishes that sell at the beach are very we stopped there..My grandma,aunties,uncles,mom went and look for a nice fish .. Me,my cousins and my nephew played at the side of the beach...After that..we had our dinner at a restaurant which is a house at the side of the beach..WoW! I love that place! It was so cOoLiNg! And had a nice scenery..But the food serving are very long..need to w8 like an hour to eat..and my drink almost finish.. T.T .. Walked around the whole restaurant.. =D .. After we had our dinner..itz time to say BYE to Malacca! Went back at 7 .. OLYMPICS OLYMPICS here we are! xD.. on the way back at Seremban traffic jam pulak.. :( ..Reached at my grandma's house and watch olympics..The next day at night only I go back to my own house.. I camhored myself and with my cousins at my grandma's house.. =D .. too bored over there which I dunno what to do..except for sms-ing,watching TV and chat with my cousin...
Overall itz quite an interesting trip..:)..cause I bought quite a lot of stuffs! =D..Itz long enough for today! Chaoz..Hope you enjoy reading it! x)
Can you guyz see?nice arhx the box?
Went to OU today..long time didnt go OU liao..anyway itz still the same and very familiar for me! :)..Shop around the whole place..enter this shop enter that shop..quite lotz of stuffs we brought..:)..I brought presents for my darling Yin Ling,Beatrice and Poh Wei..For Yin Ling and Beatrice..really really Happy Belated Bday!I will give the presents for you all tomorrow kayz?Im really SORRY Yin Ling darling!..your present had broken but when you see wont realize it..when you touch it only you will realize..anyway..itz still very nice..still looks the same..dunno why it had broken when i came back..:(..once very sorry..:(..Poh month your bday only I give it to you kayz?It shall be a SURPRISE! :D..I love tht white shiny slipper that I saw at cost RM49..and now itz not end of the year!!arghh!if not i can buy it for chinese new year! soob soob..really love tht slipper very much..but maybe itz too expensive to have a slipper cost 49 bucks?But that slipper also dont have sale..T.T..if got...maybe i will buy it? Buy it for me! =D..Later on went to Sushi King and have my lunch! Love sushi veryy muchh .. (x ..
Lotz of stuff that I've eaten today..unagi..koebo..japanese fish head..soft shell crab roll..sushi and etc..This just reminds me of Minggu Pusat Sumber which is coming up this coming Tuesday (12th of August) to Thursday (14th of August) cause the theme for this year is Japan..:)..The library is gonna be beautiful! :P..hope it will be GREAT and FUN! xD..After eating, pay up our bill and shop again! hehehex..Bought a box of mooncake..Just addicted to tht box as shown in the picture above..Itz kinda nice to cost 60 something just for a box ? Mooncake festival coming buy lor..going to have a reunion dinner soon...In the evening..went back and bought duck for dinner and went to Yin Ling's house to take PVA glue cause need to do my art..and im done with it just now!Yea!Olympic..Olympic..everyone in this world just seems to want to know the winners for Olympic..
"One world.. one dream.."
Time just passes very week school holidays liao..need to finish up my Sivik project..!! :(..Going to Malacca this coming Saturday..and the next day will be back..If got anything those few days..just contact my h/p..THANK YOU!..xD.. I fly! wee~xD
Pn.Rohani ar got nothing to scold us last week except during the science called us to sit in front then you scold us and call us to sit in the centre..WTH!Besides that,nothing else she can scold..if she simply scold us for're dead!We're not going to do anything..We're just going to tell Pn.Julie..Deng Deng Deng Deng..kena from Pn.Julie..:D..
Tomorrow all the form 3s are having trial exams tomorrow!So...just want to wish you guyz :-
GOOD LUCK in your trial exams tomorrow yea!All the best! x)
Nicholas Teo!(Famous Singer/Actor)
Kevin Cheng!(Famous Actor In Hong Kong)
I tag:-
1)Poh Wei
2)Yin Ling
3)Yun Lynn
Have fun doing this tag!Im sure you will adore them when you doing this tagg! =D