My life is S-T-U-C-K..Sometimes I really hate my life..But what to do?Its my fate..I need to finish up my Geography scraptbook by 30th of July 2008..I need to pass up latest on tht day..Luckily can use comp to do..teacher wants us to use comp perhaps..hahax..Mostly all of my friends had finish it..but im not..havent started yet perhaps..xD..LOtz of homework for me to do..Lotz of stuffs for me to go on..and yet today got school..replacement for Hari Raya.. After school still go am I supposed to do it?Every single day surely got homework..Sometimes I really really fed up of homework..but i know work wont be finish..And today got Girl Guides 7km hike..I really really cannot go..perhaps I had already pass my test what for I still go?And need to pay extra RM10 somemore..Im not the patrol or asst.patrol leader also..wht for i go?Somemore today got school..But my friends told me tht this year hiking was not fun..last year much more better..luckily I did not go..:)..To all of my dear friends..Im fine liao..Thank You so much for your concern in school today..I really had a very bad stomachache today..until my face look so pale..everyone keep on looking at me..especially my classmates..thank you for helping me to buy panadol..thank you for helping me this and that..Love you guyz so much..Im fine after eating panadol only felt a lil bit dizzy..Really love you guyz..without you guyz I wonder what will happen to me today? xD..Well..Miss Angela..Actually the longer she teach my class..the much more I like her..I mean my class..Dunno why..She really makes us enjoy our English lessons..Remember the rules tht I told you guyz?Actually we DONT follow it..hahahahax..and yet announcements are allowed to make in class..we come back later she dont need to bring text book..and got prize for our going on activities..?Arent her english lessons are fun?And today we listen to songz during her lesson..So..why should I dislike her now?Instead..I like her whole class play with her..she tell us stories too..I mean her life story..the real want..muahahaha..So..theres no reason for me to dislike her now..:D..Tomorrow going to watch performance with Poh Wei!From 9 a.m. to 12 something I would not be at home..:)..Then I must start my Geography scraptbook..Cannot delay liao..I wanna do my homework now..Chaoz..
♥Carmen ♥
♥our lips must always be sealed
9:19 PM
Today Poh Wei and Yin Ling came to my house to do the science scraptbook..the Air Pollution thingy..Im supposed to go to Michelle's house to do the decoration board..but I cant..but I'll go on another day which we havent plan yet..:D..Okay..they were late..they supposed to come to my house by 10..but they came at 10 something..SOOB!We gone crazy..we gone hyper..we were extremely noisy..THANK GOD NO ONE SCOLDED ME FOR OUR NOISYNESS! :D..we sing songz..we study..we do our homework..we explore the net..we do the air right?We study for maths..cause monthly test tomorrow!Shit!Tomorrow got BM and Maths test..Im scared of maths lerhx..Need to study..but got a lot of homework for me to do!Arghh..okayy..let me continue with my story..Half way doing our Air Pollution..itz 12 uncle came to my house..He supposed to used the net in the afternoon every I cant do my Air Pollution thing liao!I need to do it all by myself tonight..:(..and need to save it in my disket for Yin Ling to print..xD..So..we plan to eat our branch..we were extremely hungry that time..I did not eat anything for the whole morning except for a slice of bread ond water?Me and Yin Ling wanted to go to The Cave and eat very muchh..Poh Wei also..but she say very expensive..she keep on begging me and yin ling to go to Mcd and eat..Me and Yin Ling dont want to eat Mcd..coz it was like everytime Mcd Mcd Mcd..nothing special on for us to eat anymore meh besides Mcd? we walk to The Cave from my house..Here we reach..THE CAVE!
THE CAVE RESTAURANT (24 hours couples restaurant?)
hahax..I know itz weird..cause this restaurant is for couples..but 3 of us still go inside and eat..:D..be4 going in..we look at the Menu first..took some picturez..:)
The menu outside the restaurant
Thats ME posing at The Cave! xD
Me,YinLing&PohWei at the main door of the restaurant taking picz
Okayy..enough of taking picz..we went was quite dark..the place was totally AWESOME!Arghh..I love this place so much!I wish tht I can stay here forever!This place is so cold..this place is so fantastic..this place food were tasty..this place is totallyyy AWESOMEEEE!Look down at the picz below..
We went up and came down using this right? =D..Later on..we continue walking to the place where the waiter supposed to serve us..:)..As I entered..
The chairs and tables
The chairs and tables were arranged in a room with a one can see us..yea..this place memang for couples..haihz..So we went in to the small tiny room which can fit maximum of 3 ppl in each room..As we sat..the waiter gave us the menu..
The Menu In The Cave
And lighted a candle in our small little tiny room..:D
The Candle
After that,we planned what to eat..and the price were like at least RM16.00 just for a pasta...In the end..we decided to order 1 pasta..3 of us share and eat together..I ordered Iced Chocolate,Yin Ling ordered Hot Chocolate and Poh Wei order Smoothy..We press the thing as shown in the pic below to order up our food..:D..
Thats The Thing We Press! xD
After ordering..while waiting..we took picz..starts to CAMHORE..hehex..chit chat..Not long after that..our food and drinks had arrived..x)..
3 of our drinks!
My Iced Chocolate! =D
Our Pasta and Drinks! Yummy!
Once we take a small gulp of drink..Once we had tried each other drinks..Once we had eaten the first bite of the pasta..we were like in the 'heaven'?It was like so nicee..I love this place mann!I dunno how many times I had said tht..but I really really lovee this place..hehex..Scroll down and see the picz tht we had CAMHORED in The Cave..:)
3 Besties Squeeze together!
Thats Me! xD
Me and My Darlingg Poh Wei
Thats ME againn..CAMHORING myself..;)
Once we had finished up our drinks and pasta..we wanted to order again..but we were like running out of we better dont order anymore..Instead..we paid up for our comes the bil..Guess what?3 drinks and 1 pasta cost RM50.05..The goverment tax and service charge already 6 something..Aiyayaya..but is a good thing tht we get experienced over here..And itz worth it cause the food and drinks were DELICIOUS! ;)..After paying up our bil..we went to 1oo yen shop..we bought snowy and chips to eat..:D..Each cost RM4.90..It was GREAT!Another delicious food to eat..xD..
The Snowy!Lovee It So Muchh!
After eating..we went to Mcd..ordered a drink and chit abt this talk abt that..Our conversation will never end mann..:D..We loves to talk! Yeah!Later on..Yin Ling's parents call..they already reached my house..WTH?And I still need to go Guardian to buy something..In the end..we still went to Guardian and finally reach back my house..xD..Her parents were waiting..And we greet themm.."Hi aunty..Hi uncle.."..hahax..hope Yin Ling parents wont marah her for our LATE-NESS?Pack her stuff and she went going out with her parents!After a few minutes..Poh Wei's dad had reached..with her brother, Tuck Yan along..Tuck Yan so good boy lerhx..everytime see me surely say hi to me! hahax..Hes so funny and cute..=D..Hes coming to SMKTS,which is my school next year!So..must join librarian yea! x)..After they had gone back..I started to do my my dinner..tie my shoelace and went on9 againn for the air pollution scraptbook..At last..I have finish with it in my disket..need to pass it to yin ling tomorrow..and now started to blog..x)..Check my friendster..Itz quite late now..need to pack up my book..still got English hw havent do yet..gotta go now..Chaoz..Once again..I LOVE TODAY! ;)..
♥our lips must always be sealed
11:08 PM
Okay..Just came back from Port Dickson..It was great..Luckily I've finished all of my homework..:)..10 something only reach back home..Then I pack up my stuffs and pack my books ..And later on went free now so can go on9..:)..Okay..back abt the Port Dickson was great..but i hate the dirty and smelly..but the scenery there was really really nice..Collected some shells..guess what?They're alive!!!!!!!!!!!!They can move!The sea water was so salty and sticky..but it is good for my skin..:) with the sand..collected alive seashells..Was this the first time I go to the sea?Why I get so excited abt it?I went to PD 2 to 3 times jor..hahax..I went to the sea a lot of times but why am I getting so excited?When I was at the sea..I felt so relax..Like all of my stress just gone like that..I didnt think of anything else..I was just relaxing up my mind..Listening to the sound of the sea water..It calms me down..Really enjoying it..
The alive seashells that I've collected!
The scenery of the Port Dickson Beach!
I've try to build sandcastle..but it was really really hard for me to make it..Now I first I thought it was really easy to make..but when I was doing it..It was I give up..and just enjoy up myself at the beach! :D..I nearly fall asleep in the car but dunno why I cant something just stuck in my brain..thinking of something which Im not supposed to think?Thinking abt the future..Like something that I predict it will really happens most of the time..and now im scared that it would happen.....Why la like that?After enjoying myself at the beach.....My aunt told me that Port Dickson is famous for 'la zha min'..when I translate it to English it will be named as 'dirty mee'..dunno why they named it like that..So we went and eat was tasty..yum yum..this mee is not sold at Selangor..So It would be something new for me to try it..8 something only on the way back to home..So reach home at 10 something lor..If got any trip or party at the beach remember to invite me yea!I love going to the sea..hehex..thats why I wish to go Hawaii one day..:)..Anyway..Wanna sleep liao..itz very late now..Nitez!Sweet Dreams!
♥our lips must always be sealed
11:33 PM
Saturday,12th of July 2008,
Yesterday librarians had a general meeting..A lot of complains had made by juniors,mates and seniors..why would this happened?Im scared..Im scared tht sooner or later librarians will pecah..I really dont want tht to happen..The complains is caused of the rules..The rules now are strict..much more stricter than last time..Most of the rules I can take it..Abt 2 or 3 I dont really like it..But what to do?rules are rules..We still need to follow..We,Librarians are part of the Lembaga for the school..We need to get our 'hak' back..Now..all the monitors need to wear their name tag as like pin but not sewed and their tie..but librarians cant wear the pin name tag and we need to wear the sewed name tag..I dont care!We must get back everything!Dont tell me that librarians are not useful and did not do anything for the school?We did!If the school without librarians..whose going to do PA every single time there is an event going on?If without librarians can you guyz borrow anything from the library?If without our cooperation..I dont think so everything will go on until so well..So I really hope that the rules change can get our pin tag back and no need to wear the sewed name tag..Teachers!We're doing everything is just for you,just for the school..Nothing else we want..we just want you to know that we are part of the Lembaga of school..please treat us fair and square!And I really hope that the librarians wont break cause of the strict rules...Dont be so stress about it..Yun Lynn especially you..Remember..we're one big family..:)..The joy,laughter and pain we'll on go it together..
Today went back to my old school for Jogathon lerhx..not much changes except for incoming new teachers?Not many ppl went back..sad casenya..i cant see back my old school mates!arghh..KWEE HOONG!YENLIN!LICHING!DAWN!AND THE REST!why you guyz didnt go back?I did not really enjoy it you know..I felt that im so odd in the school..luckily iman was there!thank God!at least someone can teman me..I know most of the teachers cant recognise me..they were keep on starring at me?Did I change so much these 2-3 years?Why they like keep on looking and looking want?We wanted to greet you but teachers were so busy with their work..what can we do?Fortunately..EN.ZUBIR,my standard 6 class teacher was,iman and nadiah went and chit chat with him..he said that i grow taller..much more taller than last time when im standard 6..but im still shorter than him!!:'(..went of the teacher said tht i look different compare to last time..then i ask in how teacher?then she said you grow much more taller and slimmer..I was like...okayy..In my mind I was like thinking did I grow slimmer?I thought I was the same as last time?Not much different except for growing taller..Old class mates!comments abt me please!Scroll down to have a look at some of the picz that I took from my old school..:)..
The coupons!xD
School building!Blok B!Sweet memories!
Teachers' cars
Tapak perhimpunan..I used to run here and there during tahap 1..:D
Security guard's house and pondok bacaan..
School canteen!
About one hour later..went back the net then go Yin Ling's house to do the Geo project..Migrasi penduduk..need to interview at least 20 ppl from my area..Me,Beatrice and Yin Ling went house by house to ask them something and fill in the form only mah!Not asking for ur IC number,house add or neither house or hp number also!So scared for what!U thought we want to do like that want izzit under the hot sun?U thought we so free meh?Somemore we got permission letter want you know!..It was not that successful at the beginning..They wave their hand and shoo us away..eshh..We have a cup of cold drink later on to calm down ourselves..After that..we went to Poh Yee's house..ask her mom to fill in up for us..cause her mom is from Penang..:)..then she join us later on and interview ppl..Shocking man!Poh Yee's neighbourhood damn friendly want mann!It was really successful..And the funniest part is..Opposite of Poh Yee's house abt a few houses after it..There was a house which a bunch of young guyz (Students) 18 years old from Muar,Johor came here to study..We dont know that there was a bunch of guyz staying inside..So we press the door bell..And we saw a bunch of guyz upstairs..We were damn freaking scared that time..dunno what will happen to us..but all of them were handsome and their looks are a good ppl..Unexpected they were so friendly and help us to fill up a lot of forms!yea..they ask us this and that..and we're quite banana when they speak mandarin to us..totally 'kaku' liao..we only know how to laugh..hahax..after that we went off to other houses..Beatrice said that they keep on looking at us from the last!we finished interview-ing!Wemt to MCD and have our lunch..wait itz branch..and check up the forms once again..And went homeee..Then need to go tuition..tiring mann..Tomorrow going Port Dickson!I'll miss you guyz mann!*muakz and kisses just for youu..:D
♥our lips must always be sealed
10:56 AM
The day has reach!Librarians Installation -2008-
Woke up 6.15 in the morning today!Then prepare to go school!Im so nervous..Abt the dance..I scared I've forgotten the steps..Our dance are completely finished!Yea!Reach school at 7.30 a.m..Went to the hall..Waiting for Esther..All of us reached liao except for her..Then we went into the library to practise up our dance again..Finally Esther is here!x)..Abt 9..we went back to the hall and make-up..Esther help us to make-up our eyes..but until my turn..Pn.Zakiyah,the Principle of SMKTS had reached and the installation need to start!Itz 10!OMG!Need to go down to the hall and sit..cant do anything..I was completely everything done except for the eyeshadow..Later on..sit on the place where I was supposed to sit..Listen to speeches..Outgoing B.O.Ds..Outgoing Librarians..Top 5 Librarians Awards..Library's Competition..Incoming B.O.Ds..Me need to go up to the stage to get installed as Form 3 represensative..I was in a rush..after go on to the stage..shake hand with Pn.Zaini and get the tie..I quickly ran into the Bilik Persediaan to change..While the juniors get installed and read the Librarians' pledge..And the time had just come..Our dance performance!OMG!Dunno why Im not that scared while Im dancing on the stage..I damn hyper on the stage..Laugh like an IDIOT!:D..Most of the audience shouted..Wao!And our dance performance had just finish!yea!Everyone applause..and the comments are good..:)..Im so happy!yea!Althought I did some mistakes during the dance..:D..And some other performances..My dear juniors and librarians' mates sing Gemuruh which "we" (Me,Esther,Michelle,Yun Lynn,Jin Chuen,Wei Nian and Sze Ting) thought them..You guyz sing until very nice!Well done!And next is Pei Ning,Charlene and Lyn Kam perform!Itz nice..make us relax..Last performance was my lovely seniorz dance!It was so nicee!After performance..we had our lunch..Later in..went and change to librarian t-shirt to play games..be4 we change..we took some picz!:)
EeWen And I
Michelle & I
The Dance Group
This was our dance costume!Issit nice?Hahax..After that went around everywhere..Wei Nian called me and Esther..He asked us to call the juniors to kumpul at astaka.. and we took lotz of picz!
Model-ing Librarians
Dear Juniors And Librarians Mates
Me And Kimberley! :)
Natural Librarians Picz!
We are modeling again! :D
La-la picz by us! x)
Emo pic..
After that..the seniors need to prepare the games for us to play..Wei Nian!I was the 1st one to get the mixture of flour,eggs,water on my head coz of you!Thank you so much! u say..Im use to it..:D..After that..we were divided into 6 groups..I was one of the group leader..Gan Ying,Tze Chung,Margarette and Claire were in my group! Yea! Love themm so muchh!We bersatu-padu!Play games..the games were harder than last time..but it was much more fun..really enjoy it..They were 6 stations..And my group got 2nd!woohoooo..Lose to michelle's group..:(..Later on..clean up the school whole body is soaking wet and it was so cold..after cleaning the school compound..I've my shower..luckily my hair is not hard anymore! and no more smell! yea! After bathing..went to astaka..chit chat and stayed there for a while..4 something went back to,play,talk and have funn again..At 4.50 p.m..need to go liao..I need to go sis came and fetch me..And the day had just pass like tht..Need to wait until next year..Such a good memories tht I would never forget in my life..:)..Librarians Rockz! x)
♥our lips must always be sealed
9:48 PM

Chek Yin Ling! Happy 14th Birthday!!
May all of ur wishes will come true!Smile alwayz and alwayz remember me!
You've just grew older today!Dont think too much..You know what I mean..x)
Best Friends Forever!Love Yea!
♥our lips must always be sealed
3:20 PM